Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Perl Upgrade on CentOs + cPanel


subscribe VPS utk client, hari ahad lg dah dpt server. ada few issue yg melambatkan prosess configuration. paling tension issue perl + imagemagick. imagemagick ni mmg mengarut skit dia punya setting. dari windows, macos & linux.... bernasib baik la sapa2 yang boleh install berjaya pada cubaan pertama..

this issue aku dpt solve dgn upgrade perl v5.8.8(yg dtg sekali dgn server) ke perl v5.14 latest version dari ActiveState.

bawah step2 utk upgrade perl ke version 5.14

Check the current version of Perl

perl -v

If the older version of Perl is running on server, you get an output something like,

This is perl, v5.8.8 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi

Steps to Upgrade perl version

1) Download the latest perl installer from ActiveState site.


2) Extract the archive file as,

tar -zxvf ActivePerl-

3) Change the directory to ActivePerl-5.12.4.**

cd ActivePerl-5.12.4.**

4) Now run the installer file as,


5) Check perl modules


6) Force cPanel update

/scripts/upcp -–force

7) Check the new installed perl version using “perl -v” and you get an output something like,

This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 1 (v5.14.1) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi


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