Friday, July 8, 2011


dah lebih 1/2 tahun pakai Mac... hari ni baru aku terhegeh-hegeh nak burn DVD movie.. 1st time pakai iDVD... terkial2 aku nak pakai...

macam biasa... tanya pakcik google la camna nak pakai... dan dibawah ni aku listkan step2 utk beginer noob mcm aku nak pakai iDVD..

  1. Open "Applications" folder. Double-click on the iDVD application.
  2. Create New Project, Save it.
  3. Open the "File" menu and choose the option to create a "OneStep DVD from Movie."
  4. Use the "Open" menu to navigate to the AVI file. Click on the file to select it and click "Import."
  5. It'll take some time depend on ur movie size...
  6. Load a blank DVD-R disc into the optical drive when the "Disc Insertion" prompt appears. The disc will burn and eject automatically when finished.
*tgh tunggu KL Gangster aku siap burn.... nk tgk wayang tak ada org nak teman....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dah pandai pakai iDVD, boleh la tlg copykan lagu2 kawen utk adik n burn dlm disc. hehehe bole kannn